Makes me cry

The wonders of your love make me cry, not tears of sadness, but of joy
When I think of your faithfulness, tears spring to my eyes
Who can comprehend your beauty?
When I dwell on thoughts of your purity,
When I remember your goodness,
how it is that you have been so faithful to me?
When I remember the times I have failed you,
Yet you have loved me, held me, sustained me.
Knowing that you have loved me even then makes me cry.
When I think of my life, I remember who I am
without you there is no me, for you define me
You have shaped me and formed me. Your hand has been steadfast as your love
You have brought me to this time, this place, this awareness of you and of me.
You have been faithful, and true, guiding me on this path.
Where would I go without you, how would I survive?
Yes, when I think of you, I cry. In wonder and awe, for your beauty and your love
Is beyond what my mind can comprehend. When I think of you, I cry.