
Rest: Cease Work or movement in order to relax, refresh oneself or recover strength. To be placed or supported so as to stay in a specified position. Repose, sleep, a bodily state characterized by minimal functional and metabolic activities, a freedom from activity or labor, a state of motionlessness or inactivity.
Why did I just post the definition? When I moved to PA, a good friend gave me a word that I wasn’t excited about. She told me that God wanted me to rest when I got to my new home. For those that don’t know me, staying still isn’t easy for me. I like to stay busy, I like to be needed, I like feeling that something I am doing is making a difference for someone else. I like to help. I get bored with no sense of purpose.
I moved two years ago. I struggled with staying still, I kept looking for the meaning of my move, why was I here? What did God want me to do here? Surely there was a reason for us moving so far from my parents, friends. I looked for things to do, I looked for new friends. Nothing happened. I was adrift. No rudder, no direction. I discovered the new territory I had moved to, doesn’t like new people. There wasn’t a welcome mat! I found the churches unfriendly and unwelcoming. So sad right? I can tell you it was in fact very difficult emotionally. I was angry at first, depressed, frustrated.
It didn’t matter what I wanted or thought. Nothing would budge. In fact the one friend I had made, moved!
I felt very isolated.
Then this fall, God let me know in no uncertain circumstances that he wanted me to go to Israel. I promise you it was the last thing on my mind. I had no interest. I had been there 22 years prior and hadn’t enjoyed it at all. I struggled and argued about not going for a week before I reluctantly agreed to go. Then I got hopeful… maybe God would tell me once I got there what my next step would be. I really hoped he would. I wanted direction, I wanted purpose and sense of making the best use of my time. I am very aware that I am now 60 and closer to going to heaven Than when I first began on the earth. I want my time to count, I want to impact something, someone. I want a lasting legacy.
Guess what happened after these two years of waiting on God. The word he gave me is REST! Yikes, after two years I thought for sure he would release me. Nope. Rest. I guess I haven’t learned my lesson yet. I haven’t learned to rest. Why is rest so difficult for me? I feel guilty for not doing something, anything. Maybe that is the point, it isn’t about doing for God. It’s about being.
I am sure there are those of you who wonder what is the big deal about being told to rest. You might love the idea of doing nothing. You may feel life is too full, too busy. Rest may sound like a haven to you.
I think the point in this, is that God has a plan. He has planned every aspect of your life, your purpose on the earth. He knows what we each need, what we need to grow and learn. He knows our weaknesses and our strengths. He knows what is needed at each phase of our lives. We can’t see where he is taking us, what is coming in our future. He challenges us, he prepares us according to his wisdom. We can rail and argue, but his wisdom and his will, will prevail. So even though I want to jump into action, he says I am not ready. He has let me know that the day will come that I will wish I was in the place of rest because of how busy I will be. So for now, I will focus on learning to rest. This is honestly one of the most challenging things I have had to do. I pray you will listen when God tells you to rest and that you will not feel guilty in ceasing to do and just be. Blessings.