The past two days I have been in confused state of mind and frustration about the circumstances going on in my life. What had initially seemed to be straightforward and clear had been thrust into a place of chaos. I have talked to friends, I have sought advice.
I have prayed. My prayers came from a place of desperation rather than confidence that God would take care of these issues.
This morning as I went for my daily walk, I happened to look up. I saw the moon in the blue sky. I immediately thought of the ancientness of the moon and earth and the timelessness of God. When I am gone from this earth, this matter I am struggling with will no longer exists. In fact nobody will remember that it happened. The impact of my struggle will be for naught. The earth will continue to spin around the sun, the moon will continue to rotate around the earth. Life will continue.
When I was reminded of this, I realized that I really do need to just let this go. Things will be sorted out. It may or may not be the way I would prefer, but that doesn’t really matter. We need to put our trust in God, there fore I choose to trust God will work things out for the best purposes He has for our lives.
I don’t know the future. God does. He has already planned out all the details of the circumstances that I have found myself in; as well as what will be in the future. I have a solid track record with Him being faithful and even doing the unexpected surprises that have exceeded my hopes. His dreams are even bigger than mine. Therefore, I will lift up my eyes, my focus. My focus will no longer be on the circumstances but rather on God’s plans.
Psalms 121:1-2. I will lift up my eyes to the mountain, from whence shall my help come? My help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth. verse 8. The Lord will guard your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forever.
Reminds me of a scripture in Ecclesiastes I read this morning… “I perceived that whatever God does endures forever; nothing can be added to it, nor anything taken from it. God has done it, so that people fear before him.”
Ecclesiastes 3:14 ESV
Chris, thank you. We so often get caught up in the emotion at the time. Perspective puts things back into balance.