A repeat

I wrote this a couple years ago. It disappeared when my site was erased. I decided to repost some of my old stuff that isn’t on here anymore.

Ecclesiastes moments

I have been dwelling on many thoughts recently.  Some may say the thoughts have been macabre. Questioning the things I do, the decisions I have made, my relationships and what they mean to me.  Perhaps everyone reaching a certain age goes through this as they evaluate their lives.  I know I have been in this mode of thinking for the last year or so.  

At times, I have been melancholy to the point I have wondered if I was depressed.  I am not convinced it has been depression so much as an awareness of the temporal state of life.

We go though cycles of life that most people go through. We are born, we grow up with different life experiences, we meet a partner, get married, have our own children and the cycle continues.  I am in an interesting time where I am sandwiched by the needs of my aging parents, and my children being grown and not needing me anymore.  

As I ponder my life and wonder what will last, all I can think of is my children and my writing.  Let’s face it, we will all die.  As time marches forward without us on this earth, the memories of our lives will linger in our children and possibly grandchildren. But when they die, there is no more awareness of our having existed.  Unless we have done something profound that influences the earth, or the Kingdom of God.  I often think of all the generations that lived before me. I wonder what their thoughts were, what their experiences were, who did they love, and what gifts did they have. What wisdom was lost when they died?  

I opened my Bible today to Ecclesiastes. He so expresses the thoughts I have had. We strive to build a life for ourselves, we seek to satisfy our desires and needs. We try to build a nest egg, enjoy a particular moment, etc and what does it matter?  Everything will pass away eventually.   The cycle of life will continue uninterrupted. What has been in the past will be in the future. What will be in the future will be soon forgotten by those that follow and repeat again the cycle.

The only permanent record of our lives is with God.  Only he knows what our lives have been, what they have accomplished. He tells us that the things we build that are not build on his foundation will be burnt up and not be sustained.  So what are we doing that has lasting impact? Anything that will last, must be built on God’s foundations.  I am trusting that as I write the things I am learning, that God will be able to use the words I write for his purposes and the words will continue to have a life long after I am gone. Perhaps maybe, I can impact the future builders of the Kingdom of God in a way that is encouraging and helpful.  What are you doing that will have lasting impact on God’s kingdom?  What have you been destined to do that you have put off? What needs to fall away that is wasting your time and your destiny?  

I don’t mean to be in your face about this, just pondering and wondering.  We all have are parts, our assignments on the earth.  I can’t do what you do, you can’t do what I do. We are unique, and God designed us to be living on this earth at a set time to accomplish certain things.  I want to encourage you to take the time to think about your life.  Time doesn’t stand still for any of us.  I know I am guilty of not stewarding my time as well as I should. I want to change that. I want to be more purposeful in approaching each day.  I don’t know how many I have left and I want to make the most of them.  Join me in being purposeful in approaching our new days and seeing what we can accomplish that we didn’t dare to image we could do. Let’s Dare to make a difference, let’s dare to live fully, let’s dare to enjoy our lives and our moments that are unique to us.  Let’s hear when we are done on the earth, “Good job faithful servant”.