God is still on the throne

Jesus on the Mountain

This morning I was looking out the window. I saw a bird with a big old twig in his mouth. It kind of startled me. The reason is that all around us we as a nation and much of the world is on lock down. We aren’t venturing out, we are focused inwardly for the most part. Our communication with others altered and for the most part we are isolated.

What struck me about the bird with his twig, is that he is oblivious to what is going on with humans. She isn’t aware of the fear that is raging, or the social distancing. She wasn’t aware that plans for the future for many people are on hold. This bird wasn’t concerned about what the future held, she just knew that she had to build for the family that she would have soon. She was planing for her future and the needs of her family. Life as she knew it hadn’t changed, and she was preparing what needed to be taken care of.

It’s a good reminder, God tells us in his word, Matthew 6:26 “Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet our Heavenly Father Feeds them. Are you not more valuable than they?”

This is the perfect opportunity to dust off our faith. Is God who He says He is? Doesn’t he tell us that He is our provider and that if we ask for Bread, he won’t give us a stone. The world is raging with fear and distrust right now. But God never changes. He is still who He has always been. The circumstances of the world don’t affect His Kingdom, nor his economy nor his ability to provide for his children.

We are all in a place of uncertainty, and seeking answers. Thankfully God has his prophetic voices telling some of his secrets. The whole picture is only known by God. I have discovered that God only tells me what he feels I need to know. The rest I have to trust him. I am not saying this is easy, but it does build our faith. None of us is exempt from this. When those doubts and fears start to pound your thoughts, remember what God has promised you. You are his child and he loves you. He has given us general principles in the Bible that we can stand on, and he has given you personal promises. You can be sure that since God can’t lie, his promises are yes and amen. They will materialize. It may not be how you expected, but He will fulfill his promises to you. Hold on and trust. You will have an amazing testimony for God.

Blessings and Shalom.